These specialty slot cutters are designed for use with a hand router on installed flooring to cut a groove for another piece of flooring or a spline joint. WL-003 also features a nail relief groove. Carbide tipped.

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Looking for ship lap router bit
EVERYONE seems to be watching HGTV and has been bitten by the ship lap craze. A basic ship lap joint is just two opposing rabbets that overlap as tight or loose as you wish depending on how rustic you want it to look. You can use a tongue and groove for this, but since it is usually thin material fastened to a wall as opposed to thick flooring that would stand up to wear and tear, usually a rabbet joint is quickest and easiest. Our most versatile rabbeting bit would be: The multiple bearings allow for various depths of cuts.
Material thickness will dictate whether you want to use a tongue and groove cut. Some have "V" profiles for added detail, but that is not traditional ship lap, but is often used as wainscoting. They can be found at
If you are unsure of which will work, give us a call with your material dimensions and we can discuss the pros and cons of each.