We have revised our best selling 30-piece Professional Set to give you THE most popular bits. This set is great for both seasoned and novice woodworkers and would make a great gift. Available as 1/4″ Shank or 1/2″ Shank. Carbide tipped.
Set includes:
- Straight Bit 1/4″ x 3/4″
- Straight Bit 5/16″ x 1″
- Straight Bit 3/8″ x 1″
- Straight Bit 1/2″ x 1″
- Straight Bit 3/4″ x 1″
- Dovetail Bit 7.5° x 1/4″
- Dovetail Bit 14° x 1/2″
- Dovetail Bit 8° x 1/2″
- Core Box Bit 1/4″ x 1/2″
- Core Box Bit 3/8″ x 1″
- Core Box Bit 1/2″ x 1-1/4″
- Chamfer Bit 45° x 9/16″ Cut Length
- Pattern Bit 3/4″ x 1″
- V Groove Bit 90° x 5/8″
- Cove Bit 1/4″ Radius
- Cove Bit 3/8″ Radius
- Cove Bit 1/2″ Radius
- Flush Trim Bit 3/8″ x 1″
- Flush Trim Bit 1/2″ x 1″
- Rabbeting Bit 1/4″ Kerf x 3/8″ Depth
- Rabbeting Bit 3/8″ Kerf x 3/8″ Depth
- Roundover Bit 1/2″ Radius
- Roundover Bit 3/8″ Radius
- Roundover Bit 5/16″ Radius
- Roundover Bit 1/4″ Radius
- Roundover Bit 3/16″ Radius
- Roundover Bit 1/8″ Radius
- Flush Trim with V Bit 5/8″ x 1″
- Roman Ogee Bit 5/32″ Radius
- Roman Ogee Bit 1/4″ Radius
All contained in an attractive wood box.

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